This is a compilation of character sheets for most Palladium RPGs
(Nightbane wasn't out when I wrote these). Why, one might ask, does one
create a dozen or so character sheets for no visible reason at all?
Hey, I was bored.
These are all presented in ASCII text versions. I also have them in
Word Perfect 6.1, but unless anyone gives me a good reason otherwise,
I'm staying with the all-around accessible, general, universal ASCII text.
The general Rifts character sheet
A sheet for Robot O.C.C. in Rifts Sourcebook 1
An add-on for Magic Users
A general add-on for Mages, Psychics, or Both
An add-on for Robot Vehicles & Power Armour
A sheet for Familiars. No, seriously. I was really,
really bored.
Palladium Fantasy RPG (This was for 1st Ed.)
Heroes Unlimited
Macross II
Ninjas & Superspies, an all time fave
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Mutants In Orbit
All the sheets, 26k
Self-Extracting .exe file
Feel free to tinker, toy with, and adapt these sheets to your
own needs. Remember, though, that I made them and if you try to pass them
off as yours, I'll get you.
So, when will I put Nightbane sheets on here? Whenever I start
playing Nightbane. (Those who really want to see them can feel perfectly
free to send me a copy of Nightbane, if you're really serious about it.(G))
Most of the sheets are self-evident. Saving throws usually have the
base saving chance (16+, 14+ or whatever) beside them. For Weapon
Proficiencies (WP's), the first letters are for ancient WPs, the second part
for modern: (S)trike, (P)arry, (Thr)=Thrown. Aimed, Burst, Wild seem
pretty self evident.
The section on Weapons is a little trickier, namely:
Weapon Damage Range Radius Clip(Orig)Numb/EC Bonuses
Note that mess about Clip(Orig)Numb/EC? That's for looking after
modern weapons ammunition. Clip is the number of rounds left in the
current clip; Orig is the original number each clip holds; Numb is the number
of full clips left; EC is the number of empty clips. So, if I have six
mags of 30rd rifle ammo but I've used up two and the current one is down to
my last 10 rounds, I would record this as 10(30)3/2. Keeps it legible,
keeps track of everything. I'm quite taken with it.
I've had an offer of Nightbane sheets, which should appear soon. My
Palladium Fantasy is rather dated, and I don't personally own any of the
books, and I'm completely lacking a BtS sheet, so if anyone out there would
like to take a copy of one of these and tinker it into shape for use with the
mentioned game, I'd be happy to post it.