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The blunt-nosed Kyodara Shardcannon, still heavier than shit even with its barrels sawn off, slid free of its synth leather holster with a whisper. Cruor spun the weapon around its lever action grip, the round loading with a cruch, the worn carved grip slapping back into his palm at the end of its spin. His thumb triggered the powerup almost of its own volition. Cruor smiled at the familiar whine, macels sucking electrons from the quad pack formium cells.

Jade shook her head, eyes masked behind implanted lenses of misted silver. "Man, I don't know why you keep that thing. One day it's just gonna die on you. Get something newer."

Azer grinned as he slapped a fresh clip into his .56 longbarrel, the levered barrel assembly slamming into position on treads of well oiled ceramic. "Naw, man, keep it. Other day I heard a guy in the Long Goodbye talking about that thing. Called it the Whisper of God."

Cruor grunted his reply and slid on his mirrored shades.

Thomas strode into the room, eyes darting over them. "Everything ready?"

Jade chuckled. "Yeah. Cruor's just pissed 'cause you won't let us take along any S-gaws."

"The point of this isn't to make a lot of noise," Thomas said, "just to get the job done. We go in, do what we got to do, and go out."

"No problem," Azer said. "Me, I'm just looking forward to this. Been too damn long since we put the squeeze on anyone."

Note: the fire mode descriptions of these weapons are designed for the optional rules I suggested that Metroplex players use, which can be found here. Converting these to standard Palladium weapons fire rules should be easy, however.


Type: Heavy pistol (Automatic)
Damage: 5d6
Fire Modes: Single Shot, Semi Automatic
Range: 500'
Ammunition: 30 rd clip
Cost: 900
Notes: A perennial favourite of the streets, the .56 is a long, heavy pistol with a rather intimidating barrel size. Notable for extremely loud discharge and frequent use of hollowpoint ammunition, which is often sold as standard with this weapon.

Type: Heavy Pistol (Revolver)
Damage: 4d6
Fire Modes: Single Shot
Range: 350'
Ammunition: 7 round cylinder
Cost: 1200
Notes: The Kojiro harkens back to the good old days of Dirty Harry and massive revolvers. Often used as a social statement, for that old-fashioned nasty look.

Type: Heavy Pistol (Automatic)
Damage: 3d6+6
Fire Modes: Single Shot, Semi Automatic
Range: 600'
Ammunition: 15 round clip
Cost: 750
Notes:The Peacemaker is an unusual design, its magazine sliding in parallel to the barrel, on top of the weapon. A unique rotating breech mechanism drops rounds into position for firing. These features make the Remmington more reliable than contemporary weapons, and less prone to break down due to contamination or residue in its mobile, self-cleaning, breech.

Type: SMG
Damage: 4d6
Fire Modes: Semi Automatic, Full Automatic
Range: 800'
Ammunition: 40 round clip
Cost: 1400
Notes: The Masamuri 9mm is one of a family of Masamuri weapons, characterized by sleek, nickel-plated casings and smooth mechanism operation. They are extremely popular among the Yakuza and Orientally-based corporate military forces.

Type: Assault Rifle
Damage: 5d6+8
Fire Modes: Any
Range: 3500'
Ammunition: 30 round clip
Cost: 2500
Notes: The 5.56 continues the Masamuri slick and shiny family feel. With decent damage, good range and an attitude problem, this weapon is frequently seen arming Masamuri corporate security and is not unknown among the street community.

Type: Assault Rifle
Damage: 1d6x10
Fire Modes: Any
Range: 4000'
Ammunition: 40 round clip
Cost: 3100
Notes: Jedco is a corporation with an image problem. They are widely known to be enigmatic, clannish, and rather liberal with their corporate security rules of engagment. Rumours as to the strange personalities at the company's head abound. However, these facts seem to enhance its popularity as a weapons manufacturer. It cannot be denied that many of their weapons systems are unique in terms of lethality and exotic style.

Type: Specialized Anti-Personnel Weapon
Damage: 3d10 to all in a 45 degree arc.
Fire Modes: Single shot.
Range: 50'
Ammunition: 10 round drum
Cost: 1500
Notes: The Shardcannon is a specialized urban combat weapon designed to inflict massive quantities of damage to lightly armoured targets all at once. It operates by magnetically projecting twisted cylinders of metal into a massive, flechette-like cloud. Any AR of victims of this weapon is reduced by 3 points. Characters with the Firearms skill may modify Shardcannon by sawing off the barrels, increasing concealability and widening the field of fire to 65 degrees. Further modification may allow such sawed-off cannon to empty their entire magazine at once if required, multiplying the base damage by the number of shots left (thus a weapon with 6 shots left in its drum would inflict 3d10x6, or up to 180 SDC). However, each time this option is used, the weapon has a base 45% chance of exploding, inflicting one-half the rolled damage amount directly to its user.
For these reasons, the sawed-off Shardcannon has become synonemous with the desperate and the psychologically unbalanced. It is a comment on the state of the age that these modifications are becoming ever more popular.

Type: Anti-Tank Weapon
Damage: 2d6x10 +20 to a 50' area
Fire Modes: Singe Shot
Range: 3 miles
Ammunition: Disposable; one shot and it's useless.
Cost: 3600
Notes: The S-GAW was designed to allow corporate or military assets to engage and destroy heavily armoured targets in an urban setting. The S-GAW system operates using hand-held laser designator units. The firing party or an assistant keeps the laser on the target, and the missile homes in on it. The S-GAW is designed to be worn on the back, pointing upwards, firing semi-ballistically upwards before curving around to seek its target. In this fashion, the user can be sheltering from the enemy and still fire his weapon.

Type: Extremely Unique Anti-Anything Weapon
Damage: each missile deals 1d6x10. Radius of explosion is 15' per missile.
Fire Modes: Semi Automatic, Full Automatic
Range: 5 miles
Ammunition: 6 missile cylinder
Cost: 6500
Notes: You read it right, an automatic missile system. At four feet long, the weapon requires a PS and PE of 20 to operate, and even then the user must attemp to roll a dodge against a score of 15 or suffer 3d6 SDC damage from recoil. This weapon is often sited as evidence of Jedco's unstable leadership, as it does not even have the laughing suggestion of any application beyond street level mayhem.


Standard Rounds: the most common, if not most popular, ammunition type. Caseless ammunition is standard for most projectile weapons of the 21st century. Cost: CR20/50 rounds

Hollowpoint: Hollowpoint rounds have an air pocket in the tip of the projectile, causing an unusual centre of gravity forcing the round to spin in flight. Range is reduced by 30% but the damage inflicted is horrendous; hollowpoint 7.62 rounds are easily capable of removing an arm or major internal organ. Damage is increased by +2d6. Since the spinning motion increases atmospheric resistance and depletes kinetic energy, the AR of any armour the target is wearing is increased by 1 point. Cost: CR85 per 50 rounds.

Dum-Dum: Dum-dum rounds are standard ammunition types onto the tips of which a cross-shaped set of indentations are pressed, usually with a knife. Upon impact the bullet will frequently shear or mushroom along these marks, producing a much larger wound. Damage is increased by +1d6. Cost: Do you have a pocket knife? That's what it costs. Dum-dumming caseless rounds requires the removal and subsequent replacement of propellant coating; the Firearms skill is required to perform this operation without risk. Those attempting it without the skill have a base 50% chance of the round exploding in their hands.

Incendiary: Incendiary rounds contain chemical substances which burn on contact with oxygen. Damage is 1/2 but the victim will burn for 1d6 turns, suffering damage each turn, and any ammunition on his person has a 35% chance of exploding (65% if he is carrying incendiaries). Cost: CR45 for 50 rounds.

Cybernetics are a growth industry in the 21st century. Cybernetic implants are durable, effective, and everywhere.

Wires are a category of extremely precise implants designed to operate in concert with the human nervous system. Formed of spun neo-monofilament fibre optics, Wires have fantastic data transmission rates and are quite effective in a variety of uses.

GuideLink devices connect to firearms, allowing a properly wired user to cybernetically control their weapon. Using this system, the user may control fire modes, monitor ammunition expenditure, and more finely control targetting. The GuideLink system uses a tactical subprocessor and display filaments implanted into the retina to display the current projected point of impact of the weapon, frames viable targets in luminous boxes, and assists in aiming using a crosshairs control system. A GuideLink user with a weapon equipped with a GuideLink control device (50 credits) gains +3 to strike and (if the optional Automatic Weapons Fire rules are in effect) only has to sacrifice one round per six feet of empty space when walking automatic fire between recipients of a burst.
Cost: 12000

Nervewires run in parallel to existing nerve cells, or Fibre Optic Nervous replacement filaments. Despite common misconceptions, Nervewires do not operate by speeding up data transmission; rather, the primary focus of these implants is in the brain. Nervewire mesh implants over the surface of the brain are electrically sensitive and mnemonic, building up patterns over time which are sympathetic to bioelectric brain activity. Once the user has become attuned to his Nervewires, the system is capable of detecting brain activity representing motion and, having anticipated the command before it is actually carried out, sending the signal to the muscles. The result is amazing; a system which predicts your actions, and gets them moving before the brain is finished propagating the signals.
The recipients of these implants gain +5 to Initiative and +3 to P.P. Cost: 15,000

Musclewires are often viewed as dangerous and inadvisable, but their effectiveness makes them highly popular. Musclewire implantation involves the insertion of a latticework molecular sheeting over the main muscle groups (arms, legs, torso; major voluntary gross motor groups) in concert with feed-amplifier circuits positioned along voluntary muscle control nerves. The system functions by amplifying any motor signal, which the enhanced musculature is now capable of carrying out at its higher level. Body reaction is quicker and more powerful; users gain +2 to P.P. and +2d6 to P.S. However, this system makes finely controlled motion more difficult; -15% to any skills which require detail work and fine manipulation of objects or tools.
Cost: 12,000

The ever popular and extremely widely used Skillwires take the form of artificial synaptic pathways implanted into the brain. After implantation these devices are programmed with specific information. Skillwires provide any 6 skills from one skill group (Rogue, Technical etc) at 85% proficiency. This proficiency does not increase with experience. Each implantation of skillwires reduces IQ by 1 point, as existing brain pathways are distorted or removed to make room for the new artificial implants.
Cost: 4,000


Memory implants are extremely similar to computer memory. Extremely small integrated circuits can be implanted into the recipient's brain and linked with synthetic nervous tissue to memory pathways. Total storage ranges from 4 to 32 Tb. This is sufficient, for example, to store the contents of thousands of books, and can be linked to Camera Eyes to store video images. Cost: 1,000 per 4 Tb.

The character's lungs (biological or synthetic) are lined with extremely compact oxygen storage cells and refilters. Characters implanted with these cells can survive up to 12 hours without oxygen. Cost: 1200.
For a further 800 the cells can be modified to allow the character to filter oxygen from water, breathing like a fish. However, breathing water into the lungs contravenes several well-intentioned biological imperatives, and so the character attempting this must roll under his M.E. on 4d6 to crush the impulse. Failure to do so results in failure to successfully breathe. Depending on the environment, this can result in forcing the character to surface for air, to drowning. Characters who manage to pass this roll six times learn to do it without the roll being required.

Organ Replacement options allow the replacement of any or all internal organs with synthetic replacements. This can be used to reduce the size of the organs necessary to sustain life, allowing space in the body cavity to be used for other purposes, including storage (12x8x8 inches).
cost: 2200 Heart, 4500 Lungs, 1750 Kidneys, Intestine, Liver, Stomach. Reduced versions cost 1.5 times as much. Implantation of a storage cell costs a further 1500 credits.

Isobio is a street slang term for Isolation Biological Replacement, in which the internal organs are completely replaced with a synthetic life support mechanism. This mechanism processes food, oxygenates and pumps blood, and so forth; however, it is more self-contained than biological originals, allowing the user to last five times as long without food or water, and up to six hours without air. Cost: 25,000 credits.

The character has had the majority of their muscle control nerves replaced with fibre optic cabling, thinner than thread. Human nervous tissue propagates bioelectric impulses at a rate much slower than the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, meaning that the individual's response time is dependent only on the speed of their mental processing. The character may roll 2 20-sided dice for initiative and use the highest, adding +9 to the total.
If used in conjunction with MRSP implants the character makes their involuntary free action as normal, but will automatically win initiative as well, regardless of the rolls of their opponent. Characters with both implants have a HF of 17 once their nature is revealed (would you want to face someone with reflexes like that?).
Cost: 1,350,000. Rare and expensive. Fibre Optic nerves lead to incredibly powerful characters and the GM may wish to make these implants unavailable to starting PCs.

MRSP implants are small processors placed into the brain and connected to brain pathways governing motor control. Utilizing micro charge cells the processors recieve input based on sensory information and are programmed to instigate preprogrammed physical responses based on that input. Acting at a clock speed of 300-400 THz, these processors are capable of instigating a response with signifigantly greater speed than the human brain.
A character implanted with these processors must roll initiative as normal. However, at the start of each combat round he gains an additional action before anyone else has acted. This action will always be used to attack the most threatening target (threatening to the individual in question), and will be carried out by the GM. This response is uncontrollable. For example, if someone leaps out from behind a corner with a toy gun (for a rather unhumorous practical joke, say), the character's MRSP implants will kick in and instigate a pre-emptive strike with lethal force. Oops.
Cost: 215,000


All sensory enhancements with noted exceptions provide additional spectra of sensory information. These systems are often smoothly integrated into existing spheres of perception; for example, mechanical thermographic vision will be programmed to overlay heat information on familiar light-based images, so that the recipient sees much as they did before, save that some objects are surrounded by auras of heat differential. This practice allows quick and efficient integration of prosthetics with a minimum of stress on the user.

Thermo vision allows the user to see heat difference. This has tremendous benefits, and several limitations; since it is based on differences, human bodies won't stand out in the heat of a smelting plant, for example, whileas even a slightly warm body or weapon will stand out glaringly against snow or cold concrete. Smoke and atmoshpheric effects have no effect on thermal vision.
Cost: 1200

Infrared light functions, generally, in a fashion similar to that of normal light, save that it is beyond the spectrum visible to humans. IR vision overcomes this by including thin-beam IR searchlights into the eye implant. When disabled, vision is normal. However, when activated, the eye sends out a beam of infrared light. These beams are normally invisible, but are immediately apparent to anyone viewing with infrared imaging systems. Due to the thin slice of the spectrum used, IR vision is limited to shades of a particular colour, usually green, and can loose detail easily. IR vision is subject to the same limitations as normal vision (ie, cannot see heat, through objects, or through smoke), save that IR eyes are self- illuminating (they can see quite well in the dark, as they send out beams of their own invisible light).
Cost: 800

Ultraviolet light is a frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum which is beyond that visible as normal light to human vision. Ultra-V imaging systems are normally built as add-on systems, using ultraviolet light to see when normal vision will not suffice. Rather than transmit a steady beam of UV light, as IR systems do, the Ultra-V system releases brief pulses, compiling the information into visual images in a related computer circuit implanted in the brain. UV systems provide the same visual benefits as IR, save that no beam is visible. However, due to the pulsing process, reaction time lags, resulting in a -4 penalty to Initiative.
Cost: 800

The user has implants placed within the ear canal, blocking it off. These implants connect directly to auditory nerves, translating sound waves into nervous impulses without the use of nature's hearing mechanisms. This method of control shields the user from harmful levels of sound and triples the effective range and acuteness of hearing.
Cost: 650

Chemical sensors are implanted into the user's skull, behind the upper molars. These sensors are connected to nerves responsible for taste sensations, and relay chemical information in this medium. As the user breathes, therefore, he recieves a steady trickle of information about his environment.
This additional sensitivity can take some getting used to, but is very useful. An individual with these implants can follow a car by 'tasting' the oily sensations relayed as their chemical sensors detect free hydrocarbons, or tell that a comrade has the flu, or so forth. Tracking using these sensors has a base skill of 12% +5% per level of experience after the implants are recieved.
Cost: 400

Motion tracking implants are placed subdermally about the user's body, programmed to detect sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. These implants can detect sudden movement towards the recipient from any direction, providing an automatic dodge against any hand to hand attack. These sensors provide absolutely no benefit against ranged combat, as it is physiologically impossible for any human to dodge a bullet.
Cost: 550

The name Camera Eyes is somewhat misleading; although the functions of a camera are duplicated, the process does not take place anywhere near the eyes. Fibre optic filaments connect sensor devices within the user's optic nerves to electronic recording systems implanted in their chest cavities or within their skulls. When activated, this system transmits duplicates of the nerve impulses passing through the optic nerve to the recording unit, which translates them into visual images. These images can either be recorded onto OD (Optical Disk) via a Cyberlink or headjack, or be stored in Memory (see above). Note that if the user is also using Thermo, IR, or Ultra-V imaging at the same time, the images will appear in this format.
Cost: 1500


Prosthetics include a wide variety of cybernetic implants designed to replicate or enhance the effects of human anatomy. This section also includes armour and dermal implants.
Having multiple cyberlimbs provides additional benefits, namely that they are more durable than normal. Users with such limbs gain an AR which may be used in the place of any other armour they may have, based on the number of replacements present. This AR represents an increased likelihood of an attack deflecting from an artificial limb. The Supplementary column of the table below provides an AR bonus if the user wishes to wear other armour, be it standard armour or armoured dermal implants.
For example, if a character with two Cyberarms wishes to wear armour with an AR of 8, he can either choose to use his 2 Limbs value of AR 6, or just add +1 to his existing armour for a total of AR 9.

Limbs PresentARSupplementary
1 LimbAR 5+1
2 LimbsAR 6+1
3 LimbsAR 7+2
4 LimbsAR 8+2

Cybernetic arms have several advantages over the original; they are capable of greater strength, they are more durable, and they may more easily mount multiple weapon systems. Cybernetic arms carry a base P.S. and P.P. equal to the user's own attributes. These attributes can be increased at a cost of 200 per point. Due to the fact that the cold metal must still be anchored to warm flesh, neither P.S. nor P.P. can exceed 1.5 x the user's P.E. If the user's existing P.S. or P.P. are already more than half again his P.E., these attributes cannot be increased.
Cost: 1200

Cybernetic legs are capable of running for three times as long as standard before tiring. If a pair of legs are acquired, Spd can be raised at 200 per point, with a maximum rating of twice original. Cyberlegs can be equipped with storage spaces (4"x4"x4") at a cost of 600.
Cost: 1500

Chrome Armour is a simple, but durable, dermal armour which sacrifices concealability for protection. Chrome Armour is usually silver in colour, appearing as metallic plates bonded to the surface of the skin to produce a shellfish or ribbing effect. This armour adds 100 S.D.C. to the user and increases weight by 25%. This armour is automatically detectable and forces a -10% prowl penalty. Note that a given individual may only ever have one Dermal implant from the Prosthetics category.
Cost: 2500

Dermalflex is much easier to conceal (viewers have a base 40% chance to detect), but sacrifices somewhat in protection. Formed of synthetic filaments woven into a mesh screen and implanted under the skin, Dermalflex cushions impacts by dispersing the energy across the user's frame. This armour provides an AR of 10 or adds +3 to worn armour.
Cost: 3500

Dermalplate armour is composed of narrow strips of armour implanted under the skin of the chest, thighs, forearms and shoulderblades. This armour offers good protection of specific, high-danger areas while maintaining good concealability and freedom of motion (30% to detect, no prowl penalty.) The armour provides the user an AR of 6 and adds +35 S.D.C.
Cost: 2400

Potentially the most useful Dermal implant, certainly the most exotic, Chameleoflex is an electrically sensitive polymer implanted in sheets under the skin. Although the resulting skin looks normal, the user can switch between natural skin tones and five programmable colour schemes. This system is capable of producing the full range of human skin tones as well as such variants as camouflage greens, urban grey and the ever-popular Sneaking Around Black. For an added 9,000 credits the system can be modified to track the user's environment and replicate the colours present, offering a bonus of +45% to prowl and allowing the user to blend into backgrounds. Toggling between selections is accomplished by use of a control unit (usually a control stud under the skin of one wrist) or by a switch within a tooth (press your tongue against your left molar to shift).
Cost: 5500


Although the first Cybernetic implants were created in the second half of the twentieth century to cure dysfunction in human anatomy, be it artificial hearts and hips or hearing implants and lens replacement, the emphasis quickly shifted once implanted weapons became practical and, later, economical. In the world of 2046, cyberweapons are a common occurence. The laws of the land have adapted to meet this change, to the point that it is now, if not legal, at least overlooked if someone is killed in the streets with cybernetic weaponry. After all, there are too many people in the world anyway.

Cyberswords are implanted in the forearm and deploy from the inside of the forearm, locking forward along the arm's axis of symmetry. These weapons are highly popular and very dangerous, easily able to inflict devastating hacking damage. Note that a given arm may only mount one large weapon, such as Cybersword, Vibroclaws, or Arm Guns.
Damage: 4d6
Cost: 700

Built into the hands, Cutters are often seen among the street-level scum of the Plexes, and have become somewhat characteristic of gangs and thugs. Cutters are narrow cylindrical spikes mounted in the back of the hand, deploying from the knuckles. They are used with a punching motion and as such cannot benefit from W.P. bonuses, but rather add to hand to hand damage. For this reason, they are also popular among martial artists.
Damage: HTH +1d6
Cost: 400

Thin razorblades built into the fingertips and retracting under the nails, Razors are among the simplest and most common cyberweapons. The image of the Razorgirl has become imprinted on the common consciousness of mankind through countless chip fantasies, bad vids and fashion campaigns.
Damage: 2d6
Cost: 150

Armguns are dangerous concealed weapons, in which a firearm is constructed into the forearm, its barrel hidden in the palm. Although limited in ammunition and range, the fact that they are all but impossible to spot at a distance makes them highly popular. Ammunition is loaded into a concealed port near the elbow. The mechanism is complex and restrictive of motion, forcing -10% to skills requiring both precision and the use of the arm in question.
Shotgun: 5d6 damage, 50' range, 10 round cylindrical magazine, single shot action
SMG: 4d6 damage, 150' range, 25 round clip, Semi Auto/Full Auto action
Rifle: 6d6+5 damage, 200' range, 10 round cylindrical magazine, single shot action
Cost: 1500. Common ammunition types can be loaded into these weapons.

Vibroclaws consist of a pair of long, metallic claws which extend forward from the forearm across the back of the hand. These weapons vibrate at high speed, causing friction to heat the weapon to extreme temperatures. These claws are effective weapons and serious contenders alongside Cyberswords for most popular personal Cyberweapon.
Damage: 3d6+5
Cost: 700

The Shuriken launcher is freqently constructed into the back of the arm or into the palm. Although the magazine only contains five metal disks, the weapon is easily worth the value in surprise (they never see it coming). Range is limited to 50'.
Damage: 1d6
Cost: 100



The science of 2046 offers a wide variety of protective devices, often working in concert with implanted varieties. Such is the tremendous variety that the examples listed here are but a sampling; exact types of armour, along with implants and firearms, have taken on a social implication in the Plexes, much as the type of car you drove once did.

Composed of armoured plates inserted into the lining of an otherwise normal coat, Armoured Jackets are portable, freely moving and readily concealable. Just the thing for the Cooler on the go.
AR: 9 SDC: 75 Cost: 1200

Similar in appearance to a trenchcoat, the Longcoat is composed of a woven synthetic fabric which is easily capable of dispersing kinetic energy. Longcoats are expensive and have become associated with Corporate or hired muscle; the image of chromed-to-the-gills goons walking into a bar, pulling sawed-off Shardcannon from their longcoats, is almost a cliche.
AR: 11 SDC: 120 Cost: 2700

Hard Vests are not exactly subtle; the heavy plated ribbing is easily visible. They are designed to protect the torso and vulnerable organs with heavy armour, and to hell with hiding it.
AR: 7 SDC: 145 Cost: 2200

Masked Plates are thin rib-like sections of advanced synthetic metal- ceramic alloys designed to be easily attached to the inside of existing garments. A DIY take on contemporary armour.
AR: 9 SDC: 100 Cost: 1500

An advanced system of interwoven filaments which becomes rigid upon the impact of kinetic force is at the heart of Shockcloth. Sold in robe, poncho and trenchcoat forms, Shockcloth is expensive as it gets but unequalled in durability and damage dispersion. Shockcloth is a recent innovation, first seen on the streets of Chiba three years back.
AR: 15 SDC: 220 Cost: 3500

Older armour designs, as found in contemporary references (Heroes Unlimited, TMNT, Ninjas & Superspies etc) can be used in modern times. However, due to the fact that they are not designed for modern firepower, reduce S.D.C. by half and AR by half. To determine the cost, convert the dollar price to credits and divide by 2.


A wide variety of optical advancements and sighting devices are available for those who scorn the implanted variety. Each of the systems listed below are available in goggle, weapon scope, and binocular versions.

The ever-popular heat sensing device. Variable settings can be used to distinguish temperature ranges from gaps of 500 degrees Celcius down to increments of one fiftieth of a degree. Range is 1600'.
Cost: Goggles 1600; Scope 1300; Binocs 2000.

Using an infrared beam, IR Spotlight systems can produce a visible, near-monotone (usually green) image in any environment. The beam is only visible through IR or Thermal vision systems. Range is 400'.
Cost: Goggles 1000; Scope 800; Binocs 1200.

These highly experimental devices operate by releasing neutrino particles and monitoring their path of flight with electromagnetic radiation. The devices do not produce any visible beam, but resolution is excellent out to 2000' and variable settings can be used to penetrate almost any thickness of steel or ferrocrete. Word on the street says Cantech is developing a cybernetic eye enhancement version for commercial release.
Cost: Goggle 15,000; Scope 12,000; Binoculars 18,000.

Digital technology allows these systems to computer-enhance images to startling resolution and image quality. Maximum range is 20 miles, at which range the user can make out the faces of individuals.
Cost: Goggle 8000; Scope 6500; Binocs 9500.


Not everyone has a Cyberlink, and not everyone wants to virtually cruise the Net. For those who wish it, laptop and PC computers are available (3400 and 1900 respectively) with billion-colour screens, 512GHz processors, 250 Gb RAM, 5 Tb hard drive space and Net connection terminals. Although more advanced technology is certainly available, this level of tech is enough for the average computer user.


Vehicular transportation, and vehicular warfare, are an integral part of the urban landscape. Full rules and descriptions for the vehicles of Metroplex can be found here. The vehicles section was written by Eric Graves.

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